50 Days: Alone Together is an improvised mini-series from Peer Productions.
Season 1 was Developed by actors from our 2020 company and recorded entirely using zoom, 50 Days: Alone Together tells the story of ten teens and their first 50 days in lockdown.
The drama has been designed to support young people’s mental health and can be used as a part of your school’s PSHE curriculum.
Click on the episode tiles below to play each interactive episode.
Each episode starts with the class zoom call. After this you can navigate the drama using a series of buttons which appear at the bottom of the screen.
Although the characters are in year 12, the drama is designed for students in year 9+.
Each episode has an easy to follow teachers’ guide with suggestions for topics to discuss with your class.
Season 2 was developed by actors from our 2021 company and was recorded on location at a university campus. It follows a new group of young people during Their first 50 days at university
Season 2 is coming soon so watch this space!!!

“We used 50 Days at the end of lockdown, after I saw a recommendation for it on a forum. We were struggling to find new content after almost a year of avoiding RSE due to lockdowns/ periods of self-isolation. The videos were fab - easy for students to access on their own or for us to share and great content. The characters were so engaging and the students (Y9) loved trying to guess what the issues would be with each character and where each relationship was going. It covered so many of the RSE topics we wanted to address - from gender identity to controlling relationships, plus mental health topics such as bereavement and eating disorders. The supporting resources online made it really easy to create quick lesson plans and stimulate discussion. It was definitely one of the best resources we found for home learning.”
— Kerry Dixon
Teacher of PHSE at Nunthorpe Academy in Middlesbrough.

Teachers’ Pack