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MASKING by Nina Lemon - Full Production 2023
Content Warning: Includes references to stress, anxiety, panic attacks, attempted suicide, PTSD, homophobia & Autism. If you are affected by any of the content, there are details of organisations that can help here.
When the school’s lockdown alarm sounds everyone assumes it’s a drill. But soon a group of year 9 students find themselves stuck in a geography classroom with only Deputy Head Prefect Jamie to keep them under control. It becomes clear that the school is in lockdown because of an ‘incident’ with a pupil. While the group speculate as to the identity of the student and the nature of the ‘incident ‘it slowly emerges that, although no one’s talking about it, the students are all grappling with mental health issues of their own.
Holly’s obsessed with Instagram even though she knows it could be damaging her. The change of routine has neurodivergent Billy feeling overwhelmed. Alex is burdened with the responsibility of speaking up for all LGBTQ+ people. Nadia’s triggered to remember her distressing journey to the UK and Rosie’s terrified that the planet is dying. Jamie’s anxious, Dom’s worried about his sister and Nancy’s up on the roof.