That Guy

That Guy took on the challenging topic of abuse in intimate teenage relationships, and was designed to educate young people about the dangers of unhealthy relationships.

When 14 year-old Gemma Evans and 17 year-old Mark Whitehead go missing, everyone is concerned for Gemmaʼs safety. As the police question Gemmaʼs friends, it becomes obvious that the boy she may have run away with comes from an abusive family. Could the cycle be about to repeat itself? That Guy uses a peer education model to explore domestic abuse and healthy / unhealthy relationships, as well as their relevance to young people and where help can be sought.

Our production aimed:

  • To tell young people the truth about abusive relationships and debunk the myths surrounding unhealthy relationships, their victims and perpetrators.

  • To raise awareness about the warning signs of an abusive relationship.

  • To give young people the confidence and knowledge to make informed decisions about their relationships.

  • To promote a greater level of responsibility toward relationships among young people

  • To provide young people with information about the different types of abuse they could encounter.

  • To encourage young people to communicate openly with their peer groups and support networks about their concerns and behaviours.



